Ferguson'da 31 Kişi Tutuklandı

Police advance to clear the crowds during a protest for Michael Brown, Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 18, 2014.

Police officers detain a demonstrator during the protest of Michael Brown's shooting death in Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 18, 2014.

Demonstrators protest the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 18, 2014.

A man tries to recover after being treated for tear gas exposure, Ferguson, Aug. 18, 2014.

A man is lead away after being detained by police, Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 18, 2014.

Demonstrators march through the streets in protest of the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, Atlanta, Georgia, Aug. 18, 2014.

Brown family attorney Daryl Parks points to an autopsy diagram of the head wound that was likely the fatal shot that killed Michael Brown, during a news conference, Ferguson, Missouri Aug. 18, 2014.

A man participates in a protest for Michael Brown, who was shot and killed by a police officer, Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 18, 2014.